Dove Hunting and Shotgunning
By Hurtford Smith Jr.
I just finished reading Dove Hunting and Shotgunning. I feel like I’m able to put forth ideas on both shotgunning and dove hunting. I have been a gunsmith for over 45 years and I repair around one thousand guns each year. (No wonder I’m tired!) I am also a dove hunter. Not just an opening day dove hunter but a hunt till the last day dove hunter. I have hunted, killed, cleaned and cooked most everything that flies and is legal in North Carolina. There is nothing I enjoy more than a good dove hunt and my friends feel the same way.
Short version is I really like this book. While teaching gunsmithing at the college for several years I searched countless books about guns, shooting and hunting for students. Most were filled with lots of info you would never need and written by people that needed to ask others about what works and doesn’t. Mr. Smith has done a great job of pruning away the useless information that can confuse you and tells you what works. His book looks small at first glance but it has every bit of the information you need to be a first class field shot on doves. If you can hit the gray feathered rocket you will be good to go on anything that flies.
Bottom line is you don’t have to know everything that can go wrong. Just take the advice of a solid hunter and shooter. If you have one for a friend you are blessed. If you don’t this book will tell you the same exact thing!