God’s Big Story

Gods Big Story

It is the story of an artist. He created his masterpiece and we call it the Universe. He always was above all things. He always will be above all things. His creation was perfect in every way until sin. He must have been tempted to destroy it and start over but he didn’t. Instead he started to restore his creation. The Bible is the written record of this restoration. A restoration of a world that will become a place where everything is God’s will. Like our prayer says “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
How many of us have heard of Abraham? God told him his name would be known. Pretty amazing for someone who wasn’t a king, conqueror or explorer that lived almost 4,000 years ago. When God makes a bargain with someone you can count on it.
I have been disturbed by the story of Abraham for many years. I talked with preachers and teachers but I just didn’t get it. They wanted to tell me Abraham’s story in a way that showed him as deserving of God’s blessing but I didn’t see it. They talked of his faith but I saw his sins. Bottom line was if I was a juror and Abraham was brought to trial I would have to give him the death penalty! How can a person that flawed be our father figure? Finally I took the advice of a trusted Christian friend and studied the scripture. Just like he said it was right there in the Word!
Bible study will reveal some interesting things about the God we worship. One of his favorites is his use of underdogs. You would think the great creator would use a rich or powerful or famous person to be his spokesman but over and over we see just the opposite. Who did he pick to free the Israelites? A king with a powerful army? No, just a man. Not even a good man. Moses was a murderer on the run and had trouble speaking. When his people were facing an overwhelming enemy he selected Gideon. Gideon was a coward with no experience in battle. He selected David to be king. He was the youngest son. A mere shepherd.
It’s clear that God likes to use underdogs. Question is why? It is so we can more easily see that it is God. If the strong man wins the fight we say so what. If the man with no strength wins we want to know how he did it. We know the strength had to come from somewhere. If it wasn’t the man then it must be from God.
It reminds me of when I was shooting a rifle I built from spare parts. It shot unusually well. It shot so well that a couple of top shooting coaches came over to watch me shoot. I had a new hearing protector that picked up normal conversation while it suppressed the gunfire. They didn’t know but I could hear them talking behind me while I was shooting. Finally one said “That has to be a super gun cause he don’t shoot that good.”
In spite of the flaws of Abraham he did two things right. He believed God and he trusted God. You believe with your mind. You trust when you take actions based on that belief. Belief is nothing without trust.
God said to Abram (God liked to change names), move to another land. Abram trusted and started moving. Imagine telling your wife “Honey you need to pack, we are moving.” When she ask where you say “I don’t know!” Wives are funny about stuff like that.
God made a covenant with Abraham. He said you trust me and I will bless your socks off. I will bless you and all your descendants. I will bless everybody through you. We don’t make covenants much anymore but I did on Dec. 19th 2015! ( I got married!)  The old ceremony involved splitting an animal and walking between the two halves to say “If I break our agreement I hope worse comes to me than this animal.” (We just sign. Less messy!)
Another important feature about God shows up here. God’s blessings are always instrumental. (read that again) They are always an instrument to be used to bless others. Abraham didn’t get blessed because he deserved it. He was blessed to bless others. To bless is to give enhanced life. Others could see God blessing Abraham and know God was real. They found they could connect with God in their life. As Abrahams blessing was carried on to his descendants the blessing spread across the world. It’s only natural. When people see something good the next thing they ask is “where did you get it? Can I get some too?” Thank Heaven (literally!) the answer is YES!
When Abraham did what he decided was right he really made a mess of things. He lied about his wife and said she was his sister so he would gain favor with the Egyptians. She ended up in Pharaoh’s harem for a while. Not exactly a good arrangement for her. When Pharaoh found out she was married she was kicked out of Egypt with her husband.
Then when she couldn’t conceive he agreed with his wife to take her maid to have a child. God had told him he would have children with Sarah but he just couldn’t wait. It worked and what came out of it?
Ishmael was Abraham’s son born with her. Abraham uses his lie again about his wife being his sister and King Abimelech took her. Another trip to the harem for poor Sarah. When she gets back she conceives with Abraham (100 years old) and births Isaac. Sarah despises the maid that birthed Ishmael and makes Abraham sent her out with child and one bottle of water into the wilderness. A death sentence for a woman alone.
God hears her cry and saves her and Ishmael. God says Ishmael will be blessed with 12 sons and be a mighty nation. He says he will be wild like a donkey and against every man. One guess what religion came out of Ishmael.
In spite of Abraham’s poor judgement when he decided on his own he did one thing right. He trusted God and did what he said. That alone assured him of his place in history and fulfilled the meaning of the name God gave him. Abraham means exalted father.
Abraham’s son Isaac has Jacob who has 12 sons and the nation of Israel is born. God selects this nation to be a nation of priest. They will be his special people that will show the world the path to God. Their story is amazing as they go from captivity to rulers of the Promised Land by following God’s will. It all seems good for a while. They build a fabulous temple and become a center for worship. But they lose their identity again and become like the people around them. Then they are conquered by first the Greeks and then the Romans. They go into periods of captivity at home and in Babylon.
They wait and wait for a Messiah that was promised to deliver them. Then after their greatness is so far in the past it is only a story an angel comes to a young girl and says “Mary, God is getting the band back together”
In God’s big story the entire Old Testament leads to the birth of our savior. While it sets the stage for the story of Jesus it also reveals much about God.
1. No matter who or what you are or have been God can use you to accomplish great works.
2. You have to believe and then you have to trust.
3. What God gives you will give you enhanced life but its purpose is to be a blessing for others.
4. You will be pushed way out of your “comfort zone” when you trust God but God will be with you always.


P.S. This was a Sunday School lesson I wrote a while back. I always loved stories and the Bible is crammed and jammed with every sort of story. It is better than reality TV any night of the week! Don’t let someone else tell you what’s in the Bible. They might leave out a part meant for you!